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The Land of Milk and Honey

By Matthew Medendorp

You live in the land of milk and honey, kid, hunny hunny hunny I say to you shush shush shush your crying hush hush hush your wailing, wave after wave after wave you bind you wallow you wail again you scratch your eyes out of the sackcloth that binds your feet in the mornings, you blink blink blink against the coming dawn or sometimes son you root root root for a lullaby, you stretch, you want the womb again, you don’t want to crawl into the light, you want to find your small cozy cave and curl back to sleep sleep sleep for a while; child, can’t you see this is the promised land?

Matthew Medendorp is a poet, essayist, and an MFA candidate at Northern Arizona University with work in HAD, Up North Lit, and the Boardman Review; he spends his spare time washing boats in a warehouse without heating or cooling and posting the occasional 35mm photograph to his website:

Art by Nick Botka.


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